The past few weeks have been full of exciting wedding details and celebrations. Weddings are such a great
I am also SO grateful for all the new babies that some of my friends and family are expecting this year! I LOVE babies (I mean, who doesn't??) and I LOVE the anticipation of these 9+months to seeing and holding their sweet little faces...and wondering what their little faces are going to look like...and snuggling with them...and the smell of them...and then when they cry, I hand them right back :)
I am writing this as I watch Eat, Pray, Love and all I can think about is biting into a delicious I will end this with that I'm grateful for Italian food - nom nom nom!
buying you the dress of your dreams will forever be my most wonderful birthday gift to myself. I couldn't imagine a more wonderful day! except maybe getting rid of the stye in my eye~