Friday, February 18, 2011

Visions of Tulle...

Wow.  I just returned home from purchasing the most beautiful gown for our wedding day!  It's my mom's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!) and somehow it worked out that she bought me a dress today...and not the other way around.  At least she got some airline miles out of it.
The past few weeks have been full of exciting wedding details and celebrations.  Weddings are such a great excuse reason to get together with all your loved ones and celebrate one another!  I am constantly surprised at how wonderful and supportive my family and friends are...although I shouldn't be surprised anymore because they have never given anything less than their all.  I am the luckiest girl to be marrying Joe this summer and to share all these special moments with all of you!  again, Wow.
I am also SO grateful for all the new babies that some of my friends and family are expecting this year! I LOVE babies (I mean, who doesn't??) and I LOVE the anticipation of these 9+months to seeing and holding their sweet little faces...and wondering what their little faces are going to look like...and snuggling with them...and the smell of them...and then when they cry, I hand them right back :)  
I am writing this as I watch Eat, Pray, Love and all I can think about is biting into a delicious I will end this with that I'm grateful for Italian food - nom nom nom!

1 comment:

  1. buying you the dress of your dreams will forever be my most wonderful birthday gift to myself. I couldn't imagine a more wonderful day! except maybe getting rid of the stye in my eye~
