Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Make New Friends, But Keep The Old...

This has been a saying I have pondered over for most of my adult life. After graduating from college and setting out into the big world to do "adult" things, I often thought about how true this statement is. I am one who is 100% content with keeping my old friends, never feeling the need to start new friendships - mostly due to the fact that the wonderful women in my life have devoted their lives to being incredible wives, girlfriends, sisters, mothers, daughters and friends - this makes it nearly impossible to not keep them as friends.

I have never been a lose-a-friend-due-to-a-huge-blow-up kind of girl, and for that I am grateful. I have met many lovely people in my life and have made many new friends, but none that can even come close to the old ones. There is something about having a friend who has known you and loved you through good and bad,  and with whom you share a history. If you have a friend who has seen you through middle school, high school or even college, keep them, hold on to them and cherish them...for these were probably not the most beautiful stages of life...not simply looks (but come on, middle school....?), but more importantly, the choices you made no doubt affected them in some way. If they have stuck by you, honor them.  

It always amazes me that no matter how much time has passed, be it days, weeks or even months, the women I know and love continue to be inspirational, loving and caring. This past weekend was spent with a few of these darling women. M and I went up north to Seattle and stayed with a dear friend from college. It was as though nothing had changed since college (ok, we are prettier and more funny now, right?! Maybe...anyone?). I also got to see another dear college friend who was up from the little state of Texas...it was a short visit, but well worth every second. This too felt as though nothing had changed. I love that no matter where we are in our lives and no matter if it is college or childhood friends, these women will inevitably be a part of my life and will always play a huge role in who I am and who I will become.

So no matter where you are, where we met, who you are...know that you are loved, looked up to and cherished. I have been blessed to hold on to many relationships near and dear to my heart. I am truly and utterly grateful for each one....So to all of you who are making new friends - be bold, be truthful, have fun and learn from these friendships, but never ever forget the old ones because one might be silver, but the other is gold.

Peace and blessings,

1 comment:

  1. B! Dude? Where's the love for this OLD friend? Seattle...
