Once again we find that it is the birthday of our one and only friend B! Being in the midst of the birthday season of this group of girls it makes me realize how important it is to take a moment and let the people around you know how special they are and how special their role is in your life. B is no exception, she has been in my life for as long as I can remember and played such an integral part in my life throughout the years. Growing up she was as close to a sister as I had and as we have gotten older we have stayed just as close. B allows you to be exactly who you are and excepts and loves you no matter what. As we recently expressed in our toast at her wedding, B is the definition of a true friend. She is beautiful, kind and sincere. We are all lucky to call her our friend. I am grateful for you B, your friendship, your love and all your support throughout our lives. I look forward to the years to come.
love always
Happy birthday B! Love u.